Final Preparations!

This blog was actually written on Friday last (23rd) and so it’s a little out of sync with where I’m at now, but I’ve had no wifi and so you get it late…sorry!


So we’re getting close to go time now…monday coming is my 4 weeks left date and the day that I *should* be able to start my online training with the steiner training website, however they have been having a few problems with the system so that might hold me up a little bit. I’ve been focusing on my pre-learning anyway so with or without the online bit I should have a good grounding in the product knowledge needed for the academy.

After sending a few messages out to girls I found on the steiner Facebook page that were going into training at the same time as I am it looks like I have found a kindred spirit in Australia by the name of Corinne.  We’ve been talking via message and swapping study tips, tattoo cover advice and other such fun, which has been nice; having someone to talk to who is at the same point as you is very reassuring.

I’m actually writing this entry from the train into Bangor using my shiny new tablet – I figured it might be a good idea to test run the blogging function before I actually leave so that I can iron out any kinks whilst I still have access to a proper computer! So far so good though and I am totally in love with the little thing; the only problem I have found is that it’s so similar to my phone that I keep thinking I can make calls and send texts…it’ll take me a while to get my head round that I think!

I didn’t think I’d be returning to York apart from the day of my graduation but it seems that fate has had a hand in that and it will now be cheapercfor me to get a room in the city for a week than it would for me to be going back and too on the trains like a yo-yo!  I’m excited to be going back for a while and it means I get to spend some extra time with my friends before heading off which will always be something I’d try to do.

I’ve got my embassy interview on Wednesday so I’ll be travelling to London for that on the Tuesday and I’ll try to get a blog on that up as soon as possible afterwards.  I’m attempting to make a full breakdown of the process of joining steiner a part of this blog so that others know a little more about what to expect for those who, like me, prefer to have as much knowledge and information as physically possible!

I’m going to call and chase up on my crb check this week too as it’s been 6 weeks now and I’ve yet to hear back from them. After I’ve got that sorted and been to London that will only leave me with shopping and packing to do!  That thought more than anything else makes this new adventure seem to be approaching at a terrifying pace.

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