Bring on the sunshine!

If todays weather is anything to go by then it would be safe to say that summer is definitely over! It’s raining cats and dogs outside and isn’t due to stop any time soon if the reports are to be believed. More than anything else this has just made me start to pray that they send me somewhere warm!

I can’t imagine that the journey to training will be pleasant if the weather does persist in this manner and it certainly won’t help with the fact we’ve got to have immaculate hair and make-up!

The task of the day, and possibly the week is packing! Never my favourite part of preparing to go away, this time it’s even worse as I have to pack everything I own, enough for 10 months, into one 20kg baggage allowance.  I swear it isn’t possible within the laws of physics for a girl to accomplish this task! It doesn’t help of course that I have no idea where they’ll be sending me so I can’t pack for just one climate, I have to be prepared for all eventualities, which is a damn nightmare I can tell you!

You get a packing list in the starter pack you receive from steiner which is a good thing to check yourself off against, though it doesn’t mention towels (which you need for the ymca) and personal electronics (tablet, laptop etc…). A little application of common sense is the best bet…make a list a few weeks in advance, check it and read over it a few times, pass it around family and friends to see if they can think of anything you might have missed, then start buying the bits you’re missing and either throwing or storing stuff you don’t need. The way I see it this whole adventure gives you an excellent opportunity for a fresh start and a bit of a revamp,  so make the most of it!

I have so far managed to fit all my belongings into my suitcase with a little room to spare, which is all well and good, until I head to the mall with my mum and buy more clothes!

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